Tour de Tejas
Tour de Tejas is officially in the books. This shorter 10 leg trip took 25 days, 21 hours of driving the 885 miles and used 157 gallons of gas. First stop was Ft Stockton for a little homecoming and it was off to Balamorhea, and Ft Davis where we met up with the Elkins for a few days. From the fort, we drove to Presidio where we visited with the Portillos before heading on to Lajitas and Terlinga. Terlingua was our base for visiting Big Bend for the second time. After a couple of days at the National Park we went to Alpine with a quick stay over in Marathon. We met up with the Portiallos again briefly at the Spirits of the West Festival. Our last stop before home was Comstock, TX where we met up with longtime friend Cody and his family and got to see much of the country in this part of Texas. Looking forward to the next one.
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Leg 1 To Fort Stockton
Tour de Tejas is officially underway. With a load of iron or other stuff, 26 pounds or more than the
Leg 2 To Balmorhea, TX
After two days in Ft Stockton and brief visits with Myra’s Grandmother and Aunt, we headed an hour down the
Leg 3 To Fort Davis, TX
This morning we cleared out and headed to Ft Davis State Park just North of the namesake town. It was
Hanging Out in Jeff Davis
It’s been a great few days in Ft Davis Mountains State Park. Over the weekend we explored some of the
Leg 4 To Presidio, TX
After 5 days in Ft Davis with the Elkins, we headed South for a couple day stopover in Presidio, TX.
Leg 5 To Lajitas, TX
After a night of Bingo and visiting with old friends the Portillos, we headed out at the crack of 11:00
Leg 6 To Terlingua, TX
Moving out the of the Ritz, we head today to Terlingua for our next stop. Maverick’s in Lajitas was nice
Big Bend
Today we made our second trip into Big Bend NP except this time we entered from the West Entrance. We
Leg 7 To Marathon
Today we headed to Marathon, TX about 90 miles North Terlingua. We are only here for one night as there
Leg 8 To Alpine, TX
Leg 8 to Alpine After one night in Marathon, we head to Alpine, a mere 30 miles down the highway.
Leg 9 to Comstock, TX
We took off at 11:00 for the 165 mile drive to Seminole Canyon State Park about 10 miles West of
Leg 10 to Home
Having done everything there is to do in Comstock, we decided to head back home a day earlier than planned.