NP Double Header

Another first today, we hit two National Parks in one day. (Not for the faint of heart). Full disclosure, that was with a minimal amount of foot energy. Since the weather was unpredictable and forecast rain, we were happy to have reservations at Carlsbad Caverns NP. We were planning on hiking down but the ranger would not let Myra take her walking stick on the trail so we opted to take the elevator down as well as up. For some reason the walking stick was fine on the elevator-go figure. It took about two hours to walk the massive caverns.

When we surfaced we were surprised to find it was not raining so we decided to hit Guadalupe National Park about 32 miles down the road. I don’t know if it’s because we have seen so many breath taking national parks but Guadalupe left us a bit underwhelmed. Don’t get me wrong it was pretty but more on the scale of a State Park rather than a National.

Since we have accomplished what we have come to do in Carlsbad in one day and the fact that there is not much else in this town, we have decided to come back a day early. Appropriate since we left a day early. Tonight will be our last night of the PCH trip and we will celebrate with a bottle of wine and some tacos.

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