National Park #5

Today we decided to visit White Sands National Park just South of Alamogordo. Although we both have been there as youths, we have not been there together. We headed out about 6:30 for the hour drive. Not a very big park so it only took us about 1 1/2 hours to visit. The temperatures were already starting to rise on what promised to be a 100+ day so we didn’t do much in the way of hiking. Some of the photos are posted here and others in the National Parks section of my Gallery Page. On the way back, after Starbucks of course, we decided to hit the worlds largest pistachio since we missed the ball of twine. It twas a site to behold.

As we neared Ruidosa again, we decided to lunch at the Inn of the Mountain Gods. I have been a few times to this resort and have come to the determination I just don’t like it there. I have never golfed it and the course does look nice but as far as eatery or Casino, ill take a hard pass next time.

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