Leg 37 to Flagstaff, AZ & Website back up

We’re back!! Not sure what happened but last week my website was resolving to another site in who knows where so there have been no posts. After several trouble tickets, we finally got our website back. Thank you Faisa. As for this leg, we departed Las Vegas Friday. We had a slight error in our GPS entry; instead of punching in 7901 N US Hwy 89 we punched in 7901 N US Hwy 89A. As it happens this is the perilous switch back road to Sedona that you can’t turn a 32 foot RV around on. 11 miles from Sedona and after numerous 15mph switchbacks, I was able to turn around at a small coffee shop and get back to where we needed to be. Finally made it to our site around 5:00pm and immediately found a nice eatery called Timberline Tavern about 1 1/2 miles up the road. After a few minutes at the tavern, our nerves were settled and we were back in business. 

The following day we drove the 72 miles to the Grand Canyon National Park South Rim. What can I say about the Grand Canyon, it’s Grand. If you have been there you know of what I speak. The nice thing about the Canyon is the view is about the same from everywhere. One day I may make the trek to the river and get a different perspective. Ill do that as soon as they get that elevator installed.

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