Leg 32 to Moab, UT

Today we start out on hitting the Utah 5 National Parks which should take us about 2 weeks to hit them all. Arrived in Moab about 3:15 and it is hot at 91 degrees and predicted to get hotter in the next couple of days. Gonna miss the mountain temps. We start tomorrow visiting the Canyonlands NP about a 30 minute drive. We figure this is the lesser popular of the two near parks and we might have better luck avoiding Labor Day crowds. We will then followup Monday or Tuesday with Arches after the weekenders hopefully will have loaded up. The entrance is only about 2 miles from our park. Fingers crossed. Feeling ambitious tonight so will be cooking up some baby backs, beans, and tater salad. Invited Mr. Jack Jameson over for a bit so it should be an excellent evening.

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