Bryce Canyon Visit

Been a good great couple of days in Bryce Canyon thus far. Got my lazy but out on a few days and was able to get a handful of sunrise shots of Bryce which can be viewed in the gallery. Saturday night I attempted to catch the Milky Way after a sunset and after waiting 4 hours, just as the Milky Way became visible, a group of clouds moved in to totally block the sky. After that disappointment, we rode a great bike route through the park on Sunday. The clip below is a small portion of the route. Today we got up early and drove the entire park from Rainbow Point back to our camp catching several scenic overlooks along the way. This is the recommended way to see the park because all the vistas will then be on the right side of the roadway.

Tonight Myra booked a dinner a Stone Hearth Grill in Cannondale which is about 12 miles away. We are planning a short ATV Ride in the a.m. and then will pack up for Zion on Wednesday.

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