Astoria and Louis and Clark National Park

Today we decided to head to Astoria since we will miss this portion of our trip when we head to Portland. We stopped at the Peter Iredale Shipwreck for what I thought would be a great photo op. It was however infested with tourist the way rats infest a garbage pile. I dont know why some people think it acceptable to climb relics when it they know its an attraction for others. Anyway, I took the obligatory shot and left disappointed. Next we went to the Astoria Column which is a scenic overlook of the city and Columbia River. You could climb the column via a spiral staircase and get a birds eye view which I did but it was quite crowded at the top.

We went to lunch at the Bridgewater Bistro where I took the shot above before heading to the Louis and Clark National Park where we took a short hike where our forefathers once discovered the West. Tonight its dinner at the Newman 988 and then back to Portland for the frig fix.

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