2 of Utah’s 5 down

Well as planned, we had the opportunity to visit both Canyonland and Arches NP. Sunday we drove to Canyonland which is about 33 miles from our camp and starting with this park over Labor Day was the way to go. We headed out about 6:30AM and had no traffic to speak of. The park was very nice-kinda of a mini Grand Canyon. The parks drive is only about 17 miles to the Grand View so it did not take us long to get through it and see what we wanted to see. As we left, the cars were starting to line up coming in.

Tuesday morning we headed out about the same time to visit the Arches, The plan for me was to drive through the park to the cascade arch when the sun was coming up for the best lighting and then head back as others were coming in. This plan turned out to not be the best course of action. By the time the sun came up, the arch was infested with people climbing on and under the rock formations. I dont know how the pros get good shots in this park having to deal with all the people. Frustrated we drove the park as the rest of the world was coming in. Within the hour nearly all the stereotypical photo spots were infested with humans. I took some shots were I could stepping over freshly discarded diapers and cursing the human race. Heading to Capital Reef in the morning and hoping the crowds won’t be as prevalent.

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